A fieldwork was conducted at Sg. Lembing ex-mining land on Saturday July 7th, 2012. It was part of the requirement for Geo-Environmental coursework STAG3342 (Geo-environment & Anthropogenic Influence). The main objective of this fieldwork was to give exposure to students how to conduct site investigation of contaminated land according to Contaminated Land Management and Control Guidelines: Assessing and Reporting Contaminated Sites, that was introduced by Department of Environment Malaysia in 2009.
During the fieldwork, students were divided into two groups. They were requested to do soil, surface water and groundwater samplings and also produce a simple Conceptual Site Model (CSM) of the site and taking into account the relationship between source -- pathways -- receptors. Report will be submitted at the end of the semester (before the final exam week). -- (Dr Wan Zuhairi Yaacob)
One of the students measuring the surface water parameters using YSI water quality meter |
Collecting surface water for chemical analyses of heavy metals. This small drain is covered with red and yellow stain as a result of acid mine formation. |
Tailings deposit that has been exposed to air and rain for the past 26 years! |
Group photo of class 2011/2012 -- Geo-environment Module |
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