A research team from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) have visited the Geotechnical Centrifuge facility in UKM. The group was headed by Assoc. Prof Dr Ir. Ramli Nazir and Assoc. Prof. Dr Nurly Gofar. Other persons in the group were Zulkifle, Mr Ali and Dr Amin. The main objective of the visit was to discuss about potential collaboration in research especially with related to geotechnical centrifuge. The outcome of the meeting was very successfully for the enhancement of geotechnical centrifuge research in Malaysia, where Dr Ramli is one of the pioneer in this field in Malaysia.

Assoc. Prof. Dr Ramli is asking some questions related to the centrifuge.

Explaining to the visitors about the geotechnical centrifuge facility at UKM

Group photo with UTM researchers. Standing from left to right: (UKM) Mr. Zaki, Mr. Rosli, Dr Wan Zuhairi, (UTM) Dr Ramli, Dr Nurly, Mr. Zul, Mr Amin and Mr Ali.